A Year of Challenge and Opportunity

Team TransCor,

As we have come close to the end of 2021, I would like to take this opportunity to look back on a year that certainly challenged us in many ways but also showed how strong we are as a company — even in the toughest of times. 

On behalf of the Leadership Team, I want to extend my personal and genuine appreciation to each and every one you for your dedication, commitment, and valuable contributions to this company. We’ve come through a year that was filled with both challenges and successes. How reassuring it is to know that to those we serve can always count on us — regardless of the uncontrollable difficulties we face.

Looking forward, I'm extremely optimistic of the opportunities that lie ahead. In spite of the disruption and suffering that the pandemic has shaped in our personal and professional lives, it has also been a catalyst for an unprecedented drive to be and to do better. Every day, I am encouraged because of the power of YOU.  And if we continue to pursue our mission, I am certain that we will collectively achieve so much more together.

My best wishes and happiness to you and your families as we all look forward to a new year of opportunities.


Curt Sullivan
President & General Manager
TransCor America

John Diffenderfer